Monday, 25 September 2017

Solution to Sudoku no 117

Here is my original version of the solution:

Here is another version from Ahmed El Gendy, a member of the Sudoku Puzzles Facebook group. It took him 15 minutes to complete:

...and here is another one, which Mustapha Maazouz took 3 days to finish:

This version was provided by Dolgorsvren Gunaasvren:

Sudoku no 117 (Easy)

Solve online 

Sudoku grader and solver

See the answer

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Solution to Sudoku no 116

This puzzle was very difficult. Here is the solution I published:

...and to prove that it can be solved, here is another version sent to me by Arun, a work colleague. You can see that he has used the Excel spreadsheet, which you can download using the link below the puzzle:

The next version came from Christine, who works for Total in France:

The third correct solution came from Solving Sudoku, who is a member of my Sudoku Puzzles group on Facebook. He said: I do it finish. Maybe I'm not careful, so I have to do it many times. I'm sorry. Can you give me max hard? Have a good day. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, I only have one puzzle more difficult than this one but hopefully I should be able to make some more:

Sudoku no 116 (Diabolical)

Excel spreadsheet

Solve online 

Sudoku grader and solver 

See the answer