Monday, 25 June 2018

Solution to Sudoku no 218

Here is my original version of the solution:

I saw a tweet from Aditya Mathur saying that he had created a sudoku solver using recursion (this is where a program calls itself). I asked him to use it to solve this puzzle. First he keyed the puzzle in:

...then he asked his program to solve it:

Sudoku no 218 (Diabolical)

Solve online 

Sudoku grader and solver

See answer

Friday, 22 June 2018

Solution to Puzzle no 216

Here is the original solution provided by my C program. Andrew Stuart's grader and solver was able to use logic to work out the answer:

Here is one of the online solvers which did not know how to solve the puzzle by logic. Click on the image to enlarge it and bring it into focus if necessary:

Sudoku Puzzle no 216 (Tough)

My C program created this puzzle and I keyed it into Andrew Stuart's grader and solver. It gave the puzzle a grade of Tough. Then I went through the solution with the Take Step button and I saw that the puzzle used a solving method I had never seen before. Andrew Stuart calls it a BUG or Bi-Value Universal Grave. Click on the Solve Online link below to see it in action. Two other online solvers said that it could not be solved by logic. I posted it on my Sudoku Puzzles Facebook group and a couple of the members replied saying that they had finished it. Try it yourself and see what you think:

Solve online

See answer 

Thursday, 7 June 2018