How many words can you make using the letters in the table below? Each word must have at least three letters and must include the red letter in the middle. Target = 71 words:
bee been beg begin beige being belie believing bevel bile bilge binge eel eve even evil gee gel gene genie genii gibe give given glee glen inveigle lee leg lei lie liege lien line live liven veil veiling vein vibe vie vile vine
How many words can you make using the letters in the table below? Each word must have at least three letters and must include the red letter in the middle. Target = 43 words:
Usual sudoku rules apply i.e. each row, column and 3x3 mini-grid must have all of the numbers 1 to 9 exactly once. The puzzle is also divided into smaller areas called cages, which are surrounded by dashed lines. Numbers are not repeated within a cage. The number in the top left hand corner of each cage shows the sum of the numbers in that cage: