Tuesday 22 March 2022

Simple Colouring

The example here is from a puzzle which I published in February 2021. I solved it as far as I could before arriving at the position below:

I used simple colouring to move forwards as you can see in the next picture:

If row 1 column 2 is 5:
Row 1 column 7 cannot be 5.
Row 3 column 9 must be 5.
Row 5 column 9 cannot be 5.
Row 5 column 2 must be 5.
However, there is already a 5 in row 1 column 2 so this is not possible.

I will leave you to follow all the scenarios resulting from the assumption that row 1 column 2 is 5. None of them work so all the candidates marked in yellow can be removed.

The other possibility is that row 3 column 3 is 5.
This is marked in blue and does not lead to any contradictions so it is the correct answer.

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