Sunday, 15 December 2024

Solution to Chess Puzzle no 29

1. ... Qxd5+
2. Kc2 Qa2+
3. Kc1 Qa1+
4. Kc2 Qxc3+
5. Kb1 Qb2#


1. ... Qxd5+
2. Kc2 Qa2+
3. Kd3 Qc4+
4. Kc2 Qxc3+
5. Kb1 Qb2#
There are other minor variations. If you think you can see a way out for white, please comment below and I will add extra analysis.

Chess Puzzle no 29

The position below is from Richard James Cannon versus Michael J Basman, Sutton, 1997. Black to play and checkmate in 5 moves.

See answer

Friday, 15 November 2024

Chess Solution no 28

White played 1. Nd4.

The black knight was pinned against the black queen, attacked 3 times and protected twice so could be lost. At this point the game was declared as 1-0 so I assume that black resigned.

It could have continued as follows:

1. ... Rb4
2. Bxb4 Qxb4
3. Nxc6 Qxa4
4. Rxa4 Rxc6
5. cxd5

This would leave the position as follows, which is hopeless for black:

Chess Puzzle no 28

The position below is from Michael Adams (2735) versus Elisabeth Paehtz (2451), which took place in 2007. It is white's move. What did he play?

See answer

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Solution to Sudoku no 735

This is the solution:

This is the winning answer sent in by Freddy Vargas:

Friday, 1 November 2024

Chess Solution no 27

1. f3 captures the black rook on the next move.


1. ... Rg8
2. Qh7+ also captures the black rook on the next move.

Chess Puzzle no 27

This position is from Timo Paakkonen (2283) versus Tuomo Halmeenmaki (2154), which was played in 2012. White to move. What should he play?

 See answer

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Sudoku no 735 (Tough / Hard)

13th August 2024:

I wrote my sudoku creation program back in 2012.

Then in 2022 I decided to publish a book of  tough puzzles. I used my program to create puzzles again and again and passed each one to HoDoKu. I stored puzzles with a HoDoKu grade between Hard (1000) and Hard (1999) and discarded the rest. After I had created around 8000 puzzles I had the 400 tough / hard puzzles I needed for my book.

You can buy my book using the advert on this page.

Alternatively, for a chance to win a copy, solve the sudoku below. It has a HoDoKu grade of Hard (1490) so it is typical of the puzzles in my book. Send your answer to me at Do not send me your address at this point. The closing date for entries is 31st October 2024. On 1st November 2024 I will choose one winner at random from all the correct solutions received and ask where to send the book.

The name of the winner and the solution will be published shortly afterwards.

1st November 2024:

This competition is now closed.

3rd November 2024:

The winner is Freddy Vargas from Colombia.

See answer 

Friday, 19 July 2024

Solution to Sudoku no 734

Sudoku no 734 (Diabolical)

They have been reporting on the TV this morning about a worldwide Microsoft IT outage which is causing disruption at airports, railways, banks etc so I decided to see if I was affected. I switched on my Linux laptop and created the puzzle below. I connected to the Internet and graded it at SudokuWiki then I published it on Google's Blogger platform. Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin are up so I should be able to share it too:

Play online with Sudoku Mood

Sudoku grader and solver

See answer

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Solution to Maths Problem no 5

To solve this problem, I looked up pi to several decimal places then worked it out by trial and error with the PL/SQL code below:

SQL> @pi

SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare

 2  top number;

 3  bottom number;

 4  pi constant number := 3.141592654;

 5  ratio number;

 6  difference number;

 7  save_difference number := 1;

 8  save_top number;

 9  save_bottom number;

 10  save_ratio number;

 11 begin

 12  for top in 1..999 loop

 13   for bottom in 1..999 loop

 14    ratio := top/bottom;

 15    difference := abs(pi-ratio);

 16    if difference < save_difference then

 17     save_difference := difference;

 18     save_top := top;

 19     save_bottom := bottom;

 20     save_ratio := ratio;

 21    end if;

 22   end loop;

 23  end loop;

 24  dbms_output.put_line('Top: '||save_top);

 25  dbms_output.put_line('Bottom: '||save_bottom);

 26  dbms_output.put_line('Ratio: '||save_ratio);

 27 end;

 28 /

Top: 355

Bottom: 113

Ratio: 3.14159292035398230088495575221238938053 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 


So there you have it. The best fractional approximation to pi with a 3 digit numerator and denominator is 355/113, which is accurate to 6 decimal places i.e. 3.141593.

Maths Problem no 5

3.14 and 22/7 are both approximations for pi (or π).

22/7 is a fraction with a 2 digit numerator and a 1 digit denominator.

Find the best fractional approximation for pi with a 3 digit numerator and denominator.

See answer

Solution to Sudoku no 732

Sudoku no 732 (Extreme)

Solve online with Sudoku Mood

Sudoku grader and solver

See answer

Friday, 14 June 2024

Solution to Maths Problem no 4

The answer is 548834.

I used the program below to work it out:

andrew@ASUS-Laptop:~/Maths_Problems$ cat problem4e.c
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
double a;
double b;
double c;
double d;
double e;
double f;
int abcdef;
            if (abcdef==pow(a,6)+pow(b,6)+pow(c,6)+pow(d,6)+pow(e,6)+pow(f,6))

return 0;

I ran it as follows:

andrew@ASUS-Laptop:~/Maths_Problems$ ./problem4e

...then I checked the result:

andrew@ASUS-Laptop:~/Maths_Problems$ echo "5^6+4^6+8^6+8^6+3^6+4^6"|bc

Maths Problem no 4

Find a six digit positive integer abcdef where:

abcdef = a^6 + b^6 + c^6 + d^6 + e^6 + f^6.

See answer

Solution to Sudoku no 731

Sudoku no 731 (Diabolical)

Solve online with Sudoku Mood

Sudoku grader and solver

See answer

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Solution to Maths Problem no 3

I worked this out using the program below. The solution is at the bottom of the page:

andrew@ASUS-Laptop:~/Maths_Problems$ cat problem1.c
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
int abc;
int def;
double abcdef;
double square_root;
int solution;
for(abc=100; abc<=998; abc++)
  if(pow(square_root, 2)==abcdef)
return 0;
andrew@ASUS-Laptop:~/Maths_Problems$ ./problem1

Maths Problem no 3

Find all 6 digit integers ABCDEF such that:

(1) ABCDEF is a perfect square.

(2) DEF = ABC + 1.

See answer

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Chess Solution no 26

1. ... Rd1+
2. Rxd1 Rxd1+
3. Kf2 Qxh2+
4. Ke3 Qg1+
5. Ke4 f5+
6. Kxf5 Qg6#
There is one slight variation on this sequence of moves. If you cannot see it, post a comment below and I will add it.

Chess Puzzle no 26

This position is from Nick Maatman versus Luuk Baselmans, Dutch League, 2022-23. Black to play and  checkmate in 6 moves:

See answer

Monday, 1 April 2024

Solution to Sudoku no 726

Sudoku no 726 (Diabolical)

Here is a string which you can copy to work on this puzzle online:


See answer

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Chess Solution no 25

The game continued as follows:

1. g3  Qxa4
2. Nxb5+

Black resigned at this point.

If he had not done so, the game might have continued as follows:

1. g3  Qxa4
2. Nxb5+  Ke7
3. Qxa4

However, whatever he did, black was going to lose his queen. His best (or least worst) option seems to be:

1. g3  Qe5
2. Nf7+  Ke7
3. Nxe5  Nxe5

Chess Puzzle no 25

The position below is from Alekhine versus Isakov, Moscow, 1907. It is white's move. What should he play?

See answer

Friday, 15 March 2024

Chess Solution no 24

1. Qb1+  Ka3
2. Qb3#
1. Qb1+  Kc3
2. Qb3+  Kd2
3. Qd5+  Ke2
4. Qd1#
1. Qb1+ Kc3
2. Qb3+  Kd2
3. Qd5+  Kc3
4. Qd4#

Chess Puzzle no 24

This position is from Lile Koridze versus Valentina Golubenko, Batumi, Georgia, 2019. White to play and checkmate in 4 moves:

See answer

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Sunday, 25 February 2024

Chess Solution no 23

1. ...  f6+

At this point, white appears to have resigned. If he had not done so, the game might have continued as follows:

2. Kxf6  Rf4+
3. Ke5  Rxf8


2. Qxf6  R7c5+
3. Qe5  Rxe5+

Chess Puzzle no 23

The position below is from Carlos Alberto Vinas Guerrero versus Anton Aaberg, Gibraltar, 2007. It is black's turn to play. What is his best move?

See answer

Thursday, 4 January 2024

Solution to Definition no 1

A purdonium is a coal scuttle made to look like an elegant piece of furniture. It has a removable metal lining to hold the coal. They were popular in the 19th century. I found the picture below on the Yola Gray Antiques web site:

Definition no 1

What is a purdonium?

(1) A musical instrument.

(2) A coal scuttle.

(3) An Australian flower.

(4) A steam engine.

See answer